To be honest, earning more money never hurt anybody. You can reach a savings goal, pay your student loans or just provide yourself breathing room. It really does not matter why but if you want to earn some extra cash on top of your main job, you can do some side jobs that do not require that much time. Here, I’ll talk about some of the jobs I did, or considered doing, to help you achieve your short-term financial goals. Let’s get started.
How Did I Pick These Jobs? What Did I Consider When Picking?
Well, I had a full-time job but I had also a lot of debt that I had to pay. Thanks to the American education system, I had a considerable amount of student debt. It was obvious that my salary wasn’t enough. So, I tried to find some side jobs that could provide me with some extra cash. The most important thing was for me that I had to emphasize the thing that I already had, such as my skills, my car or my hobbies. Also, I picked stuff that wouldn’t take so much time but still provide me some cash. So I came up with a list:
Drive for Uber or Lyft:
Since I had a car and loved driving, driving for Uber and Lyft for a couple of hours before I went to sleep was a great way for me to make some extra cash. My car was an efficient one so I didn’t have to spend most of my money to its maintenance and fuel. The best thing about driving for such companies that they offer flexibility and extra pay during rush hours. Plus, if you have good people skills, you can get some tips as well.
Deliver Food or Groceries:
Similar to driving, delivering food or groceries for a company like DoorDash, Grubhub, UberEats, Instacart, or something like that is a great way to make some quick money. There is also a good tip potential as well. Also, you don’t have to drive your car to places. One of my friends was using his bike to deliver. That means he stayed fit while earning money, so it is a win-win situation. As far as I know, some restaurants even provide you with a motorcycle or a car to deliver for them so keep an eye out for such opportunities.
You Can Use Your Hobbies to Earn Some Money
My father gave me a camera for my 15th birthday. Since then, I was taking pictures for myself. Then one of my friends told me that I could make some money taking pictures of other people during events and stuff. I made some research, and there were a lot of people making a lot of money taking pictures of events like weddings, concerts, and other stuff. I didn’t try to do this, but I know some people made. One of them even quit her full-time job to become a photographer. Another friend of mine drew pictures of people for a couple of bucks. Another was playing piano in a lounge bar for a couple of dollars. So it is a great idea to emphasize your hobbies. They can turn into a nice stream of income.
You Can Tutor Online
I had an online French tutor during the collage. I had to pay her $10 per hour, twice a week. Then I realized that I could give speaking lessons to non-native speakers for a couple of extra bucks. There are a lot of various platforms that can help you started. For example, there are, TutorMe, or Studypool. And the only thing you can teach people is not language. If you have an expertise, you can be a tutor.
You Can Rent Your Place on Airbnb
One of my friends in the dorm was renting his family’s summer home on Airbnb when they are not using it. The best thing about it is that Airbnb does not demand any money until you have a reservation. The platform is really easy to use and most of the hard work like scheduling, payment processing and advertisement is done by Airbnb so you don’t have to deal with such things. My friend hired a company for cleaning and other maintenance so that’s also possible. Unfortunately, I had no place to rent but I think it is a nice way to make some money.
There You Have It…
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. These are all side jobs that I did or thought about doing it a couple of years ago. Of course, there are a lot of side jobs except these ones, but I can vouch for these ones as I had some kind of experience doing them. Well, I hope this little guide of mine helps you to get out of that financial slump or achieve the financial goal that you set for yourself. See you again next time!