OPNX , this crypto exchange that’s been making waves lately, just found itself in front of a major and serious alegations . The comunity is flooded with doubts raising the concerns about its trading volüme ; calling it out as fake. Yeah, you heard that right!
Questioning the Numbers : Is OPNX Playing Games with Trading Volume?
So, the triger for all the controversy was puled on Thursday (22) when a user in the community , named “Loris” , went on to social media platform , Twitter , to give a ferocious rant against OPNX ; so to speak, the user accused the company for playing with their trading volume figures . And guess wha t ? This acusation began to be heard just when OPNX was complimenting their sucess for reaching an all-time high with a colosal $45 million in daily volume and a seven-day total of $238.9 million. Whether you believe or not, it sounds peculiarly suspicious for some users, it seems.
Having said that , it should not be neglected that Loris has some legit points . According to them , genuine trading volume should be acompanied by massive market moves ; so to speak ; the volatility that keep the market moves and investment oportunities interesting . On the other hand , there should be a steady baseline volüme . But when the comunity member who acted like a detective to find out the truth behind his allegations , dug deeper into OPNX ‘ s numbers ; and he found someting very solid . Apparently , the exchange recorded high volume during a period of boringly low market volatility . Anyone , who has fundamental knowledge even about the conventional market moves, would find strangely suspicious .

Nevertheless , this information does not mean anything compared to latest discovery that Loris revealed : the charts on OPNX ‘ s oficial website back up Loris’ claims . Aparently, screnshots are not produced on visual design programs . They clearly show these massive volume spikes hapening at regular intervals since early June . And guess what ? Most of these spikes show volumes in a suspiciously similar range . Coincidence ? I think not!
The Rise of 3AC Ventures: OPNX Faces Backlash for Reviving a Controversial Team
OPNX tried to save face by responding to the acusations and pointing fingers at their Market Maker program for the volumes mentioned . Considering this as an evasive tactic, user are asking another question : but will that explanation the hold up ?
OPNX is catching heat for resurecting Three Arrow Capital as 3AC Ventures . The comunity ain’t too thriled about it , especially since the founding team includes Kyle Davies and Su Zhu from the collapsed Three Arrow Capital . Aparently, they weren’t exactly coperative during the investigation ; the organization even disapeared from social media. After all these developments , the users are left with question marks and ambiguities .